
Since many images are generic (stock), I offer a full refund of the cost of any item that does not meet your expectations.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed, as you will always receive the best example that is in our stock.

Return shipping will be refunded for any items that you find unsatisfactory.

  • Stamps will be free from defects (creases, tears, thins, etc). The only exceptions are those labeled sf.

  • Anything may be returned for a refund within 60 days of receipt (or notification of your intent to do so at a later date), for any reason. The returned items must be received in the same condition as when shipped.

  • Space fillers - These are labeled sf and would usually be identified as seconds on most other sites. These are priced from 10% to 20%, depending on the defect and it's value if it were not sf.

  • Those priced at 10% or less probably are true space fillers, and even these may be returned if the defect is too much for you to accept.
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